Basics 2/2 • Constitution and the Ayurvedic Art of Healing (ABH.i)
Kursmodul Information about the webinars
Kursmodul Webinar - Live-Chat (EN)
The Live-Chat is voluntary, you can but do not have to participate in this Q&A session. If you would like to participate in more than one date in this series, please write to e-academy@ayurveda-aka...
Kursmodul Webinar - eWorkshop • Constitution determination Kursart: Ereignis
Please complete all eCourses up to and including "03 - Functional components of the body" before registering. You only need to attend one date of eWorkshop 1. Choose the date that works for you!
Kursmodul Feedback ABH.i
Kursmodul Knowledge Check ABH.i